Hillyard Company, an office supplies specialty store, prepares its master budget on a quarterly basis. The following data have been assembled to assist in preparing the master budget for the first quarter:

Hillyard Company, an office supplies specialty store, prepares its master budget on a quarterly basis.  The following data have been assembled to assist in preparing the master budget for the first quarter:

  1. As of December 31, (the end of the prior quarter), the company’s general ledger showed the following account balances: 
    Cash $48,000 (debit)
    Accounts receivable $224,000 (debit)
    Inventory $60,000 (debit)
    Buildings and equipment, net $370,000 (debit)
    Accounts payable $93,000 (credit)
    Capital stock $500,000 (credit)
    Retained earnings $109,000 (credit)
  2. Actual sales for December and budgeted sales for the next four months are as follows:  December $280,000, January $400,000, February $600,000, March $300,000 and April $200,000.
  3. Sales are 20% for cash and 80% on credit.  All payments on credit sales are collected in the month following sale.  The accounts receivable at December 31 are a result of December credit sales.
  4. The company’s gross margin is 40% of sales.  (In other words, cost of goods sold is 60% of sales.) 
  5. Monthly expenses are budgeted as follows:  salaries and wages, $27,000 per month; advertising, $70,000 per month; shipping, 5% of sales; other expenses, 3% of sales.  Depreciation, including depreciation on new assets acquired during the quarter, will be $42,000 per quarter.
  6. Each month’s ending inventory should equal 25% of the following month’s cost of goods sold.
  7. One-half of the month’s inventory purchases is paid for in the month of purchase; the other half is paid in the following month.
  8. During February, the company will purchase a new copy machine for $1,700 cash.  During March, other equipment will be purchased for cash at a cost of $84,500.
  9. During January, the company will declare and pay $45,000 in cash dividends.
  10. Management wants to maintain a minimum cash balance of $30,000.  The company has an agreement with a local bank that allows the company to borrow in increments of $1,000 at the beginning of each month.  The interest rate on these loans is 1% per month and for simplicity we will assume that interest is not compounded.  The company would, as far as it is able, repay the loan plus accumulated interest at the end of the quarter.


Schedule of Expected Cash Collections






Cash sales





Credit sales





Total Collections





Using the data above, complete the following statements and schedules for the first quarter. Submit your responses in an Excel spreadsheet:

  1. Schedule of expected cash collections
  2. Merchandise purchases budget

Merchandise Purchases Budget






Budgeted Cost of Goods Sold





Add desired ending inventory





Total needs





Less beginning inventory





Required purchases





*$400,000 sales x 60% cost ratio = $240,000
** $360,000 x 25% = $90,000





  1. Schedule of expected cash disbursements-merchandise purchases

Schedule of Expected Cash Disbursements-Merchandise Purchases






December purchases





January purchases





February purchases





March purchases





Total disbursements





  1. Schedule of expected cash disbursements-selling and administrative expenses

Schedule of Expected Cash Disbursements-Selling and Administrative Expenses






Salaries and wages















Other expenses





Total disbursements





  1. Cash budget:

Cash Budget






Cash balance, beginning





Add cash collections





Total cash available





Less cash disbursements





     For inventory





     For selling and admin expenses





     For purchase of equipment





     For cash dividends





Total cash disbursements





Excess (deficiency) of cash





Financing needed





Cash balance, ending





Provide your answers in a clearly organized Excel spreadsheet. Provide your answers in a clearly organized Excel spreadsheet

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