history assignment 29

Andrew Jackson Essay 
You must title your work, “Andrew Jackson, Hero or Villain”.
Your essay will be typewritten, double-spaced, stapled at the top left side and the length should be 2 to 2 1/2 pages.  You must have at least 3 paragraphs.  Your first paragraph should contain your thesis statement.  You will have 1 or more paragraphs to support your thesis statement and a final paragraph to conclude your work. You should make declarative or affirmative statements early in your work.  Avoid phrases such as, I think, or I will show.  Personalization and opinions should be held until the final paragraph when it is ok to express your opinion.  Include works cited at the end of your work.  You are required to document only two works cited, but you may include more if you wish.
Do not plagiarize.  If plagiarism is detected, your grade will be zero.  



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