humanities 100 online course hmwk

Native Americans believed in spirit guides, often in animal forms. 
Catholics have patron saints, and Christians have guardian angels. 
Today we say you know people by the friends they keep.
What ancients do you keep by your side, or, rather, who keeps you? Muahaha… 😉

Introduce yourself as you profile/introduce your selected patron ancient god/dess, cosmic force, or ruler mentioned in Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 of our TEXTBOOK (also reviewed in the slideshow) and discuss how/why these are 
your unique
 representatives/patron guides as well as essential transitions from prehistory to history. What important civilizing effects and values do these primordial (“first beings”) and ancient figures/forces embody and how do they continue to sustain you today? You don’t have to believe in spirit guides, this is just for the sake of argument. Think of it as choosing your two favorites the ones you’d have on a t shirt or tattoo.
Full credit for a thoughtful two paragraph response (one on Ch. 1 and one on Ch. 2), MLA format. 
Keep in mind one paragraph averages 5 7 sentences; it is unified and neatly edited and proofread for correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. This is formal, academic writing so do your best work, but please use your real voice and don’t try to be someone else or sound like your parents or teachers. And, yes, you can use first person (I, me, us) in this class; I like first person because it’s far more honest than the objective, omniscient third person universal voice that pretends to know it all (but is ALWAYS biased).
PLEASE attach your Word doc AND copy and paste it directly onto Discussion Board (don’t worry if the formatting decides to twerk). 
I have added two or 3 pages from each chapter to allow you to provide two paragraphs about the above description.

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