hypothesis testing paper 0

Selected testing:Does the greater the number of hours of television hinder development of a child?


Null hypothesis: The greater the number of hours of television will diminish the development of a child.

Prepare a 1,400 to 1,750 word paper in which you formulate a hypothesis based on your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity.

Address the following:

  • Describe your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity.
  • Formulate a hypothesis statement concerning your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity.
  • Determine your population and describe which sampling method you would use to generate your sample
  • Describe how you would collect your data, the level of measurement of your data and which statistical technique you would use to analyze the data.  Explain why you chose that statistical technique.

Include a conclusion of your anticipated findings.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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