i need discussion questions answers it 150 words question 0

Week 6 Discussion 1

Performance Appraisals” Please respond to the following:

  • Determine why organizations can have higher productivity when top managers encourage supervisors to set goals, assess performance, and provide feedback to employees. Support your answer with examples. Then, describe the experience you have had with performance appraisals and how your performance has been influenced by them. 
  • From the e Activity, rate the importance of measuring performance and providing an opportunity for feedback. Support your position. 

Week 6 Discussion 2

Performance Measurement” Please respond to the following:

  • Imagine you are working at an ice cream shop. It is the middle of summer, the shop’s busiest season, and the electricity goes out during a storm. Rank the actions that you should take in order of importance, as your performance will be measured regarding your immediate actions.
  • Assess the advantages and / or disadvantages of having more than one source of performance measurement within a company. Support your position with examples. Of the performance measurement sources you

Week 7 Discussion 1

“Training Assessment” Please respond to the following:

  • Imagine you are a new employee in a human resource (HR) department. Your first task is to develop a stress management seminar for the employees. Determine the topics that should be covered in the seminar. Support your selection of the topics.
  • Develop criteria to assist in selecting the vendor to use for the training.

Week 7 Discussion 2

“Training Effectiveness” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e Activity, determine if Southwest’s method of training is an effective way to conduct training. Support your position. Provide one recommendation for improvement. 
  • Compare the following training methods: presentations, case studies, simulations, and discussions. Determine which training method you believe to be the most effective and explain why. 



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