i need the one their major in this field

– In the body of your post, describe that one potential claim (with an explanation of the elements of that claim and analysis of the likelihood of its successful pursuit) and compare or contrast that claim with any elements in the Kaiser Patient Dumping case (illustrating legal or ethical similarities or differences).  Base your posts on the knowledge gained from Chapters 10 and 11 in as much detail as possible, but do not write more than a few clear and concise analytical paragraphs.

NOTE: Even though there may be multiple ethical and legal issues in either Case, your response should directly and fully address only ONE claim related to Activity 11.1 and explain the added/deepened value of the comparison with Kaiser Patient Dumping.  Each phrase or sentence should be substantive and additive, meaning that you do not repeat thoughts similar to the ones you already wrote or the same point in different words (e.g., no “fluff”).  It is important to base your response on conceptual and case evidence and cite your sources, as our syllabus expects.

Kaiser Patient Dumping

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeGFIL4BD_M link to open resource
also, i have the copy of the casue in the attachement you can use it … 
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