identify ways which statistical quality control methods can be applied weights boxes 0

As a quality analyst you are also responsible for controlling the weight of a box of cereal. The Operations Manager asks you to identify the ways in which statistical quality control methods can be applied to the weights of the boxes. Provide your recommendations to the Operations Manager in a two three page report. Using the data provided in the Doc Sharing area labeled M4A2Data, create Xbar and R charts.

Your report should indicate the following along with valid justifications of your answers:

  1. The control limits of the weights of the boxes.
  2. Nonrandom patterns or trends, if any.
  3. If the process is in control.
  4. The appropriate action if the process is not in control.

Submit your handout and summary to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, February 25, 2015.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Using the data provided created Xbar and R charts.
Set control limits for the weights of the boxes.
Established the criteria for nonrandom patterns or trends, if any.
Stated whether the process is in control, according to the limits and the criteria established in b and c above.
Suggested the appropriate action if the process is not in control.
Gave valid and supported reasons for their answer.
Used correct grammar, spelling, and word choice and cited all sources using correct APA style.

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