
1. Discuss the location and names of any two landfill sites in your state. Discuss any two problems associated with these landfills. How has your state/county/city addressed these problems? List your references (at least two references are required).


2. Discuss any two environmental, social, or health concerns associated with plastic bags. List your references (at least two references are required).


3.Assume you are placed in charge of waste management either at your workplace or college. Discuss two possible ways in which you can cut back on the solid waste generated. List your references (at least two references are requir



4.Discuss any two commonly used electronics and how to reuse or recycle as an attempt to reduce the E-waste.

  • Complete the lab report exercises in MS Word format.
  • Provide detailed answers to Exercises 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • You must have a cover page with your name, course name, date, iLab number, and title.



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