Individually, you will develop a project management plan (PMP) for a YouTube channel project or a blog.

The 30% grade are broken down in 13 categories

Individually, you will develop a project management plan (PMP) for a YouTube channel project or a blog.

Developing the PMP for the Channel will allow you to apply all the knowledge area.

1) Identify a theme that you would like to

  1. A) explore and share your knowledge on a YouTube Channel.
  2. B) Develop a concept, do the research on the content, and create a complete channel

targeted to a specific audience that you selected.

  1. C) Content scope 4 videos at launch
  2. D) Inline with YouTube regulations and could be on any category below


-DO It Yourself


-Coaching, mentoring



-Other needs approval.

2) Develop a Project management plan (Submit Dec 4)


  1. 1- Theme concept, target market
  2. 2- Scope Statement

iii. 3- Business objectives

  1. 4- Constraints
  2. 5- Scope (WBS, & WBS dictionary)
  3. 6- Schedule

vii. 7-Quality

viii. 8- Cost

  1. 9- Staffing- Resource plan
  2. 10-Communication Plan
  3. 11-Risk Management

xii. 12- Stakeholder management

 13- Procurement Management

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