inorganic chemistry paper and presentation

Find 3 scientific articles in JACS, Organometallics, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry or Inorganic Chemistry that describe an organometallic compound or a family of compounds. You can choose to describe any of the following aspects: synthesis, reaction mechanism, application(s), catalytic activity, etc.



Ø  A title, your name, date and paper number


Ø  A short paragraph explaining your selection


Ø  Abstract


Ø  Introduction


Ø  Description of topic complete with data, illustrations and graphs if necessary (NOTE: While you can insert as many graphs, tables and images as you’d like, only the typed words will count toward the required 5 pages)


Ø  Conclusion


Ø  References (use ACS format)


The presentation will be grade according to the following:


Ø  Use appropriate format (outline, introduction expressing relevance of the topic, data presentation and adequate conclusions) (1 point)

Ø  Time management (1 point)

Ø  Scientific content (5 points)

Ø  Clear communication of scientific data (1 point)

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