Intrapreneurship & Innovation on Business Discussion




Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Part 3: Applying the Model in your course textbook and The Myth of the Intrapreneur (Links to an external site.) by Andrew Corbett.

Compare and contrast the eight primary elements deemed necessary for a company-wide innovation management system from The Myth of the Intrapreneur (Links to an external site.) with the material in our course textbook about migrating from silos to tribes.

Corbett (2018) summarizes the eight primary elements deemed necessary for a company-wide innovation management system as 1. Leadership and innovative culture 2. Organizational resources 3. Processes and procedures to implement innovation 4. Scope definition of innovation 5. An org chart structuralized toward innovation 6. Tools for implementing innovation 7. Measurements of innovative success that match the timeline for innovation 8. Well-defined innovative roles within the organization.

Which approach do you find better suited to affect the desired migration? Why? Analyze the results of your comparison and describe which approach you find better suited to affect the desired migration. Justify your selected approach.


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