lab reflection and refraction physics 2 algebra

Hello, I need the following done in a lab report for Physics 2 (algebra based). It is on reflection and refraction of light. For the questions part, only answer the ones below. The data from the experiment is included in the lab.


1. Data tables 1, 2

2. Graphs

3. Calculations

4. Questions:

a) What is the law of reflection, and does it apply to all reflecting surfaces?

b) Distinguish between regular and irregular (diffuse) reflection. Give example of each.

c) Why is light refracted when it passes from one medium into optically different medium?

d) When you are looking through the aquarium at fish, is the fish as close as it appears? Explain by using rays diagram.

e) What are the sources of experimental errors in this experiment?

5. Discussion and Conclusion

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