latin history outline

I need 1 page outline for each question there are 5


1 “The course of events in the Western Hemisphere over the centuries following contact demonstrates that the Iberian factor in early Latin America was uniform and the result of long term processes. The native peoples and the resources of their lands were the primary determinants of differentiation.”

In an integrated essay, discuss this statement with special emphasis on the long term processes, “uniformity” of the Iberian experience, the “diversity” of native peoples, the reasons for the conquest success and its consequences. In order to prepare for this essay you may want to consider at least (but not only) the following questions: Why did the Iberians come to Latin America? What did they find in Latin America? How did the Latin American circumstances shape the conquest? How and where did the Iberians develop a “conquest strategy?” What explains the conquest success? What were the consequences of the conquest?

2 “After the conquest epoch, the Spanish Indies experienced a long time of relative stability and slow evolution. During this period, the conditions created by the conquest had entered into certain equilibrium with some rather uniform hallmarks such as a centralized political and economic administration and a distinctive and hierarchical social structure. The eighteenth century altered this pattern profoundly.

Critically analyze the statement focusing on the stability of political and economic institutions, the ethnic hierarchy, and the changes that resulted from the Bourbon reforms. In order to prepare for this essay you may want to consider at least (but not only) the following questions: How did the Spanish authorities guarantee control over such a large Empire? How effective was that rule? How was the Spanish economic rule in Latin America organized? How did the Spanish authorities manage to extract profits from the colonies? How was society organized? What determined a person’s position in society? How did the Bourbon reforms change the system? What were the consequences?




3 If we are to understand neocolonial Latin America (ca 1850 1930), it must be placed in the context of the liberal/positivist formula “order and progress” and the distinctions between “growth and development.”

After examining the most important aspects of the neocolonial model, choose one country and explain how the model was applied. In order to prepare for this essay you may want to consider at least (but not only) the following questions: What were the most important features of the neocolonial model? What was the role of the world economy in shaping this model? How was order implemented? What did progress mean? How did Latin American countries become integrated into the world economy? What were the main consequences of the neocolonial model? How did those changes influence the future development of Latin America? What were the limitations of the model?

4 “Nationalism and populism impelled change in 20th century Latin America. Both forces have been in the vanguard of those encouraging the development of Latin America, and thus have served as eager agents of change.”

After examining the most important aspects of nationalism and populism, choose one populist government and explain its administration. In order to prepare for this essay you may want to consider at least (but not only) the following questions: What is nationalism? What is populism? Why did populist/nationalist leaders come to power? What are the goals of populist/nationalist leaders? How are populist leaders supporting the nationalist agenda? How did populists governments come to power? What groups provided the largest support for those governments? What changes did populist leaders implement in Latin American societies?

5 “The Porfiriato resulted in dramatic growth and extreme inequality for the Mexican population. The 1910 Revolution was an attempt to change that, in particular with the Constitution of 1917 and the administration of Lázaro Cárdenas.”

Briefly explain the neocolonial model in Mexico and then examine how the revolution changed it. In order to prepare for this essay you may want to consider at least (but not only) the following questions: What were the most important characteristics of the Porfiriato? How did the neocolonial order affect Mexican politics, economy, and society? When and why did the Mexican revolution take place? Who participated in the Revolution? Was the Mexican Revolution a political or a social revolution, or both? What are the most significant aspects of the 1917 Constitution? Who was Lázaro Cárdenas? What style of leadership did he follow? How did his administration revive the ideals of the Mexican revolution? 

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