leadership 3408522 2

1.    From the weekly readings and first e Activity, predict two to three (2 3) challenges that a public leader may face when moving from a non management position to a public leadership position. Recommend two to three (2 3) actions that a public leader can take in order to address these challenges. Provide a rationale for your response.

2.  From the weekly readings and second e Activity, suggest one(1) theory, two (2) leadership styles, and two (2) leadership characteristics that define your strengths as a public leader when applied to situations that may arise within the sphere of public administration. Justify your response.

3.    From the weekly readings and third e Activity, determine the strategic manner in which you could use your Emotional IQ in order to move you from a non management position to a professional leader. Provide a rationale for your response.


4.From the weekly readings and e Activity, analyze the key influences that the theoretical and practical aspects of public leadership may exert upon a public leader’s performance. Provide two (2) examples of these influences to support your response.



From the weekly readings and e Activity, predict two to three (2 3) challenges that public leaders will face regarding the future of public leadership. Provide a rationale for your response.







2  paragraphs of each question.

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