leadind diverse team

Part 6: Support Required for Your Action Plan (1 page – 10 pts)

What people support will you need to achieve your goals? Who is your support network? How will you bring these supporters on board? Who else will need to buy into your action plan?

Part 7: Your Proposal to Senior Management (1 page – 20 pts)

Consider your strategic action plan a proposed solution to the challenges the diversity issue can present to your team. Summarize the diversity issue you focused on and its negative impact on team performance. Describe the key actions you propose to remedy the issue and the likely benefits to the team. Describe the consequences or impact of not dealing with the issue.

You should be able to propose compelling solutions to the challenges diversity can present in teams. Your recommendations should be thoughtful and demonstrate an understanding of the underlying issues and have the potential to drive your organization in new or different directions.

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