Magic Dust Products Life Cycle Management Strategy Discussion





The Final Paper for the course involvesassembling a regulatory compliant commercialization plan to support pursuit of a biopharmaceutical product from concept through launch,through to obsolescence. As discussed throughout the course, commercialization of a biomedical product involves consideration of many variables unique to the healthcare sector including financial, technical, legal, regulatory, manufacturing, and marketing concerns. A major objective for the course is to give students an opportunity to translate regulatory requirements for medicinal products into broadly applicable regulatory strategies and submissionsThis necessarily involves practicing analytical thinking,and effective communication of scientific and technical information. In completing this Assignment students willhave the opportunity to use these skills to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts involved in constructing lifecycle management strategy for a new class of biopharmaceutical products.


1)Utilizthe following case study to evaluate and communicate your thinking on developing a compliant lifecycle management strategy:Imagine that you, as a regulatory science expert, go camping in a remote area of the world,and find an isolated tribe of people that has not yet communicated with the rest of the world. You discover that this tribe uses several types of “magic dust” to treat a wide variety of human ailments, each with varying safety profiles and degrees of efficacy. For example, the tribe uses “magic dust #1″ to treat headaches, nausea, fever and mild systemic pain, “magic dust #2” to treat cuts and bruises, and “magic dust #3” to treat insect bites. In fact, you observe that the tribe has isolated or developed at least 12 differentkinds of “magicdust” and your observations suggest that the “magic dust” category as a whole seems to have a novel mechanism of action. You ask the tribe if you can have samples of each magic dust type to bring back home with you for analysis and they agree. When you get home, you give these samples to the medical research community, which discovers that indeed, these “magic dusts” might possibly be used effectively in the US to treat the conditions for which they are utilized by the tribe,and that their pharmacodynamic mechanism of action is, indeed, unique.

2)As a regulatory expert, you are charged with developing a product development plan to support an NDA submission to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)for each magic dust typeYou are also responsible for developing a postmarket approval plan to ensure ongoing maintenance of regulatory compliance after receipt of an NDA approval. Your planshould address the following “magic dust” associated questions and/or issues:What preclinical requirements should be summarized in the clinical developmentplan?How can the indications for use for each “magic dust” be isolated and refined?Why is it important to do this?How can the risk vs. benefit profile associated with utilization ofthe “magic dust” for clinical purposes be established?Should a randomized controlled trial design be utilized to conduct clinical research to support an NDA submission for the “magic dusts” or should an adaptive platform design be utilized instead?Are there intellectual property issues that should be addressed?How would you go about addressing pricing and reimbursement considerations.

3)The commercialization plan should take the form of either a 12-15 page paper ORa12-15slide Microsoft Power Point presentationthat is narrated with audio explanations for at minimum:a.An introduction and executive summary of the Project contentb.Responses to each of the questions/issues illustrated abovec.Any general conclusions regarding biopharmaceutical and/or medical device lifecycle management that you can draw from the Assignment


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