managerial role and annualizing staffing pdf

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapters 9, 10 and 11 in your course textbook. Complete the “Managerial Role and Annualizing Staffing PDF template.”

Instructions: As the office manager for Dr. Smith and Brown’s two offices, you are responsible for the developing the yearly budget. To identify the cost related to staffing, you are tasked with annualizing the staff for both offices. In addition, you must convert the employee’s net paid days worked to a factor.

  • Section one consists of calculating the staffing for Dr. Smith and Browns’ two offices: Spruce Street office and the Birch Street Office.
  • Section two consists of converting the net paid days to the annualized factor.
  • Section three asks you to discuss the regulatory requirements about staffing and correlate staffing to cost.

Note: The template contains the directions as well as Dr. Smith and Dr. Brown’s practice information you need to complete the Managerial Role and Annualizing Staffing assignment.

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