Mass Media and Politics Essay Questions
two essay questions
1. For this question I want you to consider the readings from the last few weeks – readings on global news coverage, comparative news coverage, and the future of the news media in our democracy (and in other countries).In sum, think about the news media in terms of “time and space.”Write an essay where you describe two differences between the news media in the US and news media in other countries or parts of the world.Then describe two differences between the news media right now in the US and the news media we should expect to see in 20 years.This second request is a bit speculative, I know.But you’ve read material that gives you some ideas of how to see think of the news media in the future. Try to go into your answer in some detail (as much as the page limit will allow).
2. When you think about the Forgette book, Stroud book, and other readings from the early part of the semester (think here of the web readings and articles we read before turning to Stroud – consider them all as “one” set of readings), can you think of one point/conclusion/argument from each set of readings that fits well with the other two?I’m looking for a distinct point from each of the two books and from the collection of early readings (in the first three weeks) that complements or supplements the points from the other readings.