Mental Health and Wellness Knowledge and Skills PPT




Imagine that the mental health and wellness agency you work at is hiring and you have been asked by leadership to present about the knowledge and skills that are needed for the job opening at the agency. Create a presentation of 12-15 slides, not including title and reference slides. Speaker notes are required for each slide and must be in APA formatting.

Include the essential knowledge and skills needed for a mental health and wellness worker to be successful and then match them to the following:

  1. Explain the benefits the knowledge and skills will have for clients
  2. Explain benefits for employers.
  3. Explain key strengths needed for this position.
  4. Describe ways to develop professionally in the field.
  5. Describe how a mental health and wellness worker can coordinate care between providers in an integrated care environment.
  6. Provide a brief summary (55-75 words) of the overlap between mental health and wellness. How does mental health impact physical wellness and vice versa?


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