mgt 498 i need help two items red asap

Resources: Riordan Virtual Organization, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy, and Competitive Advantages Paper Scenario: The board of directors for Riordan Manufacturing…

Resources: Riordan Virtual Organization, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy, and Competitive Advantages Paper

Scenario: The board of directors for Riordan Manufacturing has asked your team to create a strategic plan for the organization.

Create a unique strategic plan for Riordan Manufacturing applying what you learned in the course discussions, readings, and your research starting from what you learned in Week One and using a similar strategic management process as Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy


Keep in mind that your objective is to create an actionable strategic plan that will convince the board of directors to act on it. Do not prepare a paper describing how to write a strategic plan you are actually writing a plan.


Format and Content:

  • 1 3  page IDEAL brief that describes the strategy this is the primary tool for communicating your strategy.
  • 1 page Lean Canvas or Business Model Canvas this is a snapshot of the business model that is supported by the strategy.
  • 1 page graphic before and after Strategy Canvas (from Kim and Mauborgne chart with description) this provides a before and after view of your strategic investments (from the week four learning activity).
  • 1 page “current” and “desired” lean enterprise self assessment (from the week four learning activity).

Additional Back up pages (appendices) that support your plan. 

  • Brief paragraph describing the Profiles of Proposed Senior Leadership and the leadership structure.
  • Vision describing the WHY for Riordan.
  • SWOT analysis (quad chart) or SWOT using the Business Model Canvas.
  • Financial Analysis and ROI (use tables and charts)
  • Balanced Scorecard (table with timeline or charts) that describes the perspectives and your measurement approach.
  • Organizational Change Management and Communication Plan (table with timeline or charts providing your detailed approach to organizational change).

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