mgt330 1


Select one of the laws listed below and explain how it has changed the staffing process. Also select one governmental activity from the second list and explain how it influences staffing. Respond substantively to two other learners.

Laws to choose from in answering the discussion question:

  1. employment at will
  2. Fair Labor Standards Act
  3. The Civil Rights
  4. Act of 1964
  5. EEOC Regulations concerning sexual harassment
  6. Age Discrimination in Employment Act
  7. Americans with Disabilities Act
  8. Family and Medical Leave Act

Governmental activities to choose from in answering the discussion question:

  1. Social Security premiums
  2. Social Security disability insurance
  3. Unemployment insurance
  4. Federal income tax



The main problem with performance appraisal programs is supervisory bias when making judgments. How can a company attempt to identify and reduce appraisal bias? Respond substantively to two other learners. 



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