Military culture

Military culture

Military culture

Military culture is a combination of beliefs, ideologies, worldviews, and perceptions that determines their style, functions, task response, dedication to service, and loyalty to their superiors. According to Hall (2012), this culture is unique from the rest of the civilians and should be understood by different professionals before offering help or services to the military groups. Working with military families requires a clear understanding of the military culture, including the spoken and unspoken assumptions. Their children are affected by this culture since one of the parents is often absent and separated from normal society. Ordinary citizens have their perceptions of the military culture, and some of their concepts lead to young people desiring to join the military. These perceptions include monetary benefits and a sense of identity or belonging. Parents will encourage their sons or daughters to join the military if they have no drive or focus because military culture is known to give young people direction and focus.

The military culture is shaped by its core values, including subordination of oneself to the greater good of the group, clear rules, and sacrifice for a greater course. The changing culture accommodates the societal and international dynamics that affect security measures. When working with military groups or individuals, it’s crucial to respect and comply with their sense of identity as people who offer security for others, are mission-focused, and are oriented to results (Dandeker, 2021). Understanding this culture becomes essential when working with soldiers to reach their goals and personal growth and prioritize their mission priorities and their families. It is advised that psychologists who work in the military department to respect this culture to ensure progress and validity of their work.



Dandeker, C. (2021). On ‘the need to be different: recent trends in military culture. The British Army, manpower and society into the twenty-first century, 173-187.

Hall, L. K. (2012). The importance of understanding military culture. In Advances in social work practice with the military (pp. 3-17). Routledge.

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