Module 02 Assignment Translating Medication Orders, Health & Medical Homework Help




Module 02 Assignment – Translating Medication Orders

For each of the 5 medication orders below:
a.   Write the sig code
b.   Determine the days’ supply
c.   Show your work

Review the example below for guidance.

Ondansetron 4 mg
Take 1 tablet by mouth every 8 hours as needed
Dispense 30 tablets

Sig code: 1 tab po q 8 h prn

Days’ supply calculation:
30 tablets dispensed = 10 days’ supply
3 tablets taken per day

1.   Ibuprofen 600mg tablets
Take 1 tablet by mouth three times day with food or milk
Dispense 60 tablets

2.   Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg
Take 1 tablet by mouth daily
Dispense 90 tablets

3.   Prednisolone 15mg/5ml solution
Take 10 milliliters by mouth twice daily
Dispense 240 milliliters

4.   Testosterone 200mg/ml suspension
Inject 1 ml into the muscle weekly
Dispense 4 ml

5.   One Touch Ultra Test strip
Use to test blood sugars 4 times daily
Dispense 100 test strips

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