mse homework


The purpose is to become familiar with the behavior of materials in specific applications. The technical paper will build upon course material; its technical difficulty and content should be comparable to Callister/Rethwisch textbook.


Topics for the Technical Paper

  1. Gallium nitride semiconductors
  2. OLED Technology
  3. 3 D Printing high quality graphene
  4. Improvements (or replacement materials for) Li rechargeable batteries
  5. Graphene sensors
  6. Wearable sensors, self powered monitors integrated in clothing
  7. Sapphire materials
  8. Additive manufacturing
  9. Intermetallics
  10. Carbon nitride in optics or electronics
  11. Aluminum Foam
  12. MEMS, NEMS
  13. Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) thermoplastic in biocompatible applications.

Basic format and section headings

Abstract 1 short paragraph

Introduction (about the subject matter)

Material properties

Comparison with other materials

Processing Techniques





Single spaced with 1 inch margins. 10 12 inch font.

8 page maximum; content is more important than length.

Include figures and tables. All figures and tables MUST have appropriate captions.

All references must be appropriately cited throughout the text and listed using ISO format at the end of the paper (see formatting examples for the outline).





MSE 227 Term Paper Outline

What is it? –  

1 page paper that demonstrates you have:

a topic,

the structure (organization)

very brief information for the paper sections, and

the specific sources (references)


What is its purpose?

•    The outline is to show that you have started working on your paper.

•    That you know what you will discuss (sections/subtopics) and where you can find this information (sources and complete references). 

•    It is important that you learn how to research and how to find relevant technical information for your paper. 

•    The topic you select must be listed on the Moodle site and first PowerPoint (introduction to the course). You will not receive credit if topic is from a previous semester and has specifically been removed from the term paper list. 

•    I must be able to locate your sources based on listed references. References must be properly formatted for the outline and final paper.


Below is an example of the basic structure and length for the outline.

You have to provide detailed information such as what is your topic, very briefly what will be discussed in each section, and specific references, properly formatted.

This is a technical report; provide relevant content, omit the use of “I” and “we”.

Start early. Don’t wait until the last minute.

Outline Sections (to include if appropriate)

Topic (title of term paper)

Abstract (go back and do this after paper is finished)



Material Properties






Acceptable Reference Format Example


[1] M. Kajiwara, S. Uemiya, T. Kojima and E. Kikuchi, Hydrogen permeation properties through composite membranes of platinum supported on porous alumina, Catal. Today 56 (2000), p. 65.

[2] J. H. Arps, B. Lanning and G. Dearnaley, Maximizing a Potentially Significant Energy Source: SwRI researchers develop ultra thin metal membranes for hydrogen gas separation, Technology Today, Spring 2006.

[3] K. Hou and R. Hughes, “Preparation of thin and highly stable Pd/Ag composite membranes and simulative analysis of transfer resistance for hydrogen separation,” Journal of Membrane Science 214 (2003), p. 43. 

[4] J.N. Keuler and L. Lorenzen, Developing a heating procedure to optimize hydrogen permeance through Pd–Ag membranes of thickness less than 2.2 μm, Journal of Membrane Science  195 (2002), p. 203. 

[5] Y.S. Cheng and K.L. Yeung, Palladium–silver composite membranes by electroless plating technique, Journal of Membrane Science 158 (1999), p. 127.  

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