Need communications help with in-groups and out-groups affecting intercultural communication






Answer each of the questions below in short-answer format. Write your responses in complete sentences. Your answers to each question should be one to two paragraphs.

Be sure to carefully read each question to ensure that all components are answered with the appropriate depth and detail. Your answers should be free of spelling and grammar errors. When using reference material, you must properly cite your sources using in-text citations. You must also include a reference list. All documentation must be rendered in APA citation style(see announcements for details on APA).

Review the Short Answer Grading Rubric as you prepare to complete this assignment.


1) Describe three ways in which in-groups and out-groups affect intercultural communication.

2) The author of your textbook states that “reference groups influence our self-concept, our self-esteem, and our relationships with others” (p. 220). Explain what is meant by this statement as it relates to the reference groups to which you identify.

3) Identify three roles you play based on the groups to which you belong. For each role, briefly discuss (a) with whom you communicate, (b) about what you communicate, and (c) your communication style (i.e., how you communicate, such as your level of formality).

4) Identify and discuss three examples of role differentiation and social stratification that are characteristic of the American culture.

5) Identify three groups to which you belong, either voluntarily or involuntarily.  How do these groups affect the way you think, feel, and act in society?



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