Northeastern Negotiation & Achieving a Satisfactory Win Win Outcome Essay




you are acting as a facilitator. You will be helping the two parties in the dispute achieve a satisfactory win-win outcome. You will need to read Exercise 10, Universal Computer Company from your textbook: “Negotiation, Readings, Exercises and Cases (seventh edition). You also need to read the information pasted below containing the confidential role information for the Crawley plant and the confidential role information for the Phillips plant.

The dispute is between two production plants and separate profit centers in a highly integrated computer manufacturing company named Universal Computer. One plant

(Crawley) produces computer chips, modules, cable harnesses and terminal boards and sends them to a second plant (Phillips) for assembly into larger components. Poor quality at the Crawley plant has led to major problems for the Phillips plant; Phillips is seeking compensation for defective inventory and ways to improve future quality levels. In addition, if the problem is not solved, the Vice President of Manufacturing will likely intervene, and this will create further problems. An important element in this material is that the two plants are operating under different definitions of 95% quality: Phillips wants 95% on every component shipped and Crawley wants 95% as the plant


To complete this assignment (using the write submission tab) write out the final settlement agreement between the Crawley plant in the Phillips plant. I have copied this agreement from page 528 of your Readings, Exercises and Cases textbook.

Final settlement agreement:

How, exactly, did you agree that the following expenses and repairs would be handled?

1.Expense of repairing all faulty modules:

2 Expense of repairing faulty modules other than the 12 types that fall below the 95% level:

3. Expense of repairing the faulty modules of the 12 types that fall below the 95% level:

4. How to handle the repair of the faulty modules of the 12 types that fall below the 95% level:

5. How to handle the repair of the modules other than the 12 types that fall below the 95% level:

use APA style and 2-3 pages.


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