NSG4067 Gerontological Nursing

In order to gain an insight into the world of elder adults, it is important to understand how they view themselves and the values they hold. Additionally it is important to assess and determine his/her needs and establish appropriate interventions for this individual.

In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, you will discuss your interview of an older adult. This person cannot be a patient in your clinical setting. You can use a friend, family member, or co-worker. The older adult must be age 65 years or older.
There are two parts to this assignment – the psychosocial interview component and the functional assessment.

Download the patient questionnaire. Use this format to record the person’s responses.

Include 2–3 questions of your own to get a complete picture of the older adult.
Summarize your findings.
Include the questionnaire with responses in the Appendix of your paper.
After gaining permission, conduct a physical and mental functional assessment of the older adult you have chosen. Review your readings for the process of a functional assessment.

Use the tools discussed this week to complete a comprehensive assessment of your patient. Search the Internet for resources on these tools.
Tinetti Balance and Gait Evaluation
Katz Index of Activities of Daily Living
Assessment of Home Safety
The Barthel Index
Do not include a name on each tool, but do include professional or other designation, and age. Your name should also be identified on the tool.
Include these tools in the Appendix.
Based on your assessment:
Compare and contrast the age-related changes of the older person you interviewed and assessed with those identified in this week’s reading assignment.
Identify at least 4–6 preliminary issues.
Identify three alterations in health that you would propose and describe them.
Identify a minimum of three comprehensive interventions for each alteration.
Integrate cultural considerations in your interventions.

NSG4067 Gerontological Nursing

Patient Questionnaire

Name: ________________________________ Age: ________________

Brief Introduction (Background information):


1. Philosophy on living a long life


2. Thoughts about when a person is considered “too old”


3. Opinion on the status and treatment of older adults


4. Beliefs about health and illness


5. Health promotion activities he or she participates in


6. Something special that helped the person live so long


7. Life span of other family members


8. Special dietary traditions in patient’s culture attributed with aiding long life


9. Any remedies/medications that have been handed down in family/group. If yes, describe. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Patient’s description of current and past health status


11. The values that guided life so far


Additional Questions

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Contrast of client’s responses with findings in current literature


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