Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge

Begin by reviewing the following resources and reading Chapter 13 in your textbook McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge (4th ed.).Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Resources- These resources provide a great explanation of the stages of Meaningful Use. One of the biggest challenges for meeting meaningful-use criteria is the lack of long-term guidance to assist hospitals with planning their EHR strategies (Jarousse, 2010). As the stages of Meaningful Use (MU) continue, clinicians are impacted in many areas including: documentation, data gathering, sharing data, clinical decision making, and patient outcomes (Myers, 2015). MU requires that we evaluate patient outcomes and create new protocols to prevent undesired outcomes in a more efficient manner. This will allow for an even greater ability to access and analyze information effectively (How to obtain meaningful use, 2016). How to obtain meaningful use. (2016). EHR Incentives and Certifications. Retrieved from Myers, E. (2015). CMS Modifications to Meaningful Use in 2015-2017 Proposed Rule May 7, 2015. Center for Clinical Standards and Quality; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Retrieved from Question: Is the workflow surrounding technology usage providing your healthcare organization with the data it needs to make decisions? Describe the fiscal incentives for complying with meaningful use requirements at your facility.

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