Nursing Life span and development

Option 1: There is much debate about breastfeeding versus bottle feeding and which is best for a baby’s physical, cognitive and socioemotional development. Based on what you have learned from the textbook, lessons and outside readings, what advice would you give to a patient who is struggling with the decision to breastfeed her 2-week-old infant. Consider that her milk supply has dipped, she is suffering from severe post-partum depression, but she has access to an excellent lactation consultant. Would you advise that breastfeeding or bottle feeding would be best for her infant’s development? Why/why not? Are there any other factors that you must take into consideration?

Option 2: Researchers like Ainsworth, Bowlby and Harlow all theorized about the importance of attachment in infancy. Using what you have learned about attachment in infancy, how would you choose the best childcare arrangements for an 8-month old? Do you think that having a mother or father stay at home is the best option? Or is a daycare best? What about a nanny? Extended family member? Other option? Explain your reasoning and be sure to make connections to relevant theory and research from your studies this week.

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