Nutrition 228

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16 years old Female. Born on 01/05/2005. Height 5’4, 115 lbs

· Menu Analysis



Fiesta beans 


Sour cream



· Submit Screen Shot for Nutrient report for assignment menu(s)

§ Right click to use “Take a screenshot” feature (Firefox only) on specific date you want to have screen shot to save/obtain.

Nutrient Report and Food Intake

· The paper must include all required elements including each Cronometer, Excess, Deficit, and Group Summary of your nutrient report and food intake


· List ALL Nutrients that are Over 100% (Except Amino Acids) on Cronometer Nutrient report

· List Food Items on menu that may reflect excess nutrients on Cronometer Nutrient report


· List ALL Nutrients that are Less than 50% (Except Amino Acids) on Cronometer Nutrient report

· List Food Items on menu that may reflect deficit nutrients on Cronometer Nutrient report


§ Summarize your overall in 1-2 paragraph, evaluation and conclusion of nutrients and food items on the menu.


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