nyanya only i need 200 250wds each discussion question thanks

  1. Change Initiatives

    Find an article that identifies at least one reason why organizational change initiatives fail in organizations.   Summarize the article then present your opinion.   Be sure to provide a complete APA citation of the article.   Respond to at least two of your classmates” postings.

  2. Change Stories

    Briefly reflect upon an important change you have experienced in your life. Compare your change to the change stories from the beginning of Chapter 1.Compare the change stories from the beginning of Chapter 1. Answer the following questions and respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

    • What are the common issues across each story?
    • What are the differences?
    • Of the change “lessons” outlined in Table 1.1, which of these are present in these stories? Which are absent? What are the implications of this?
    • Are there other “lessons” embedded in the stories for future changes for/to the companies?
    • What three key conclusions do you draw from these stories about managing change? What lessons are embedded in these stories that you can apply to future changes you may face?

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