Opioid Addiction

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Opioid Addiction

Nurses work as professionals to improve the health outcome of a patient. In their profession, nurses use evidence-based practices to develop a plan to enhance good patient care. Opioid addiction involves the condition where a patient starts abusing drugs in the opioid class and fails to stop because of the pleasure associated with the usage. The paper investigates a patient with opioid addiction and evaluates the nursing and leadership strategies that can help address the problem.

Definition of a Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem that is Relevant to the Practice

The problem explored involves opioid addiction. An opioid is a drug that people take and can sometimes be legal or illegal. Addiction is a condition where something that started as pleasure for a person has changed, and they cannot live without it. Opioids trigger the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, which make a person always need them from time to time to satisfy their pleasure. Endorphins create a sense of well-being by boosting the feelings of joy and muffling the pain perception that a person might have. Opioid addiction has become common among people who purchase pain-relieving drugs that later make them addicted and they cannot live without them.

During the practicum, the patient I intend to work with is a family member who has been struggling in life because of opioid addiction. Some years back, the patient had a traumatic injury that caused much pain. The patient got a prescription for oxycodone from a pharmacist that would help him relieve the pain. However, the patient was addicted to the drug and has been unable to stop it for the last two years. The family members and friends have contributed a lot to help the patient quit the opioid addiction, but this has not worked. Family members’ efforts to help the patient from the addiction involve taking him for guidance and counseling. The family members have also sought help from healthcare providers to treat the patient from the addiction. However, the patient has been getting over-the-counter opioid drugs to satisfy his pleasure.

The problem is relevant to my practice as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse because it involves identifying patient difficulties and using the available skills and knowledge learned to develop a solution for the problem. Addiction is a problem that requires professional knowledge and skills to solve. Proper communication with the patient is vital when solving the problem because it helps to understand the patient’s needs, family issues, and medical history. As a result, this can lead to developing effective nursing strategies to address the problem.

Evidence from Peer-Reviewed Literature and Professional Sources

According to Brown & Capili (2020), nurses have a role in addressing the opioid addiction crisis. The authors explain that when patients seek medical help for opioid addiction, there are medical professionals who neglect them because they associate it with substance abuse. However, the article explains that implementing opioid use screening tools and holding motivational talks with patients are actions nurses can take to address opioid addiction. Mahmoud et al. (2019) support the discussion by explaining how working experience provides nurses with the skills required to handle opioid cases. Personal and professional attitudes are essential because they guide the nurses in making decisions when dealing with opioid patients.

When determining if the data is unreliable, it is essential to use the CRAAP model. The approach evaluates if the data source meets the currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose criteria. Therefore, I would know if the data is unreliable if it comes from a source that does not meet one of the CRAAP model criteria.

Saini et al. (2022) explained the barriers that may prevent implementing evidence-based practice in addressing the opioid crisis. Stigma is a common issue in healthcare that can affect implementing strategies to solve the opioid problem. Nibbelink & Brewer (2018) explained that involving nurses in decision-making is essential for improving patient care policies. Nurses understand the patients without instilling stigma or judgment and thus participate in policy and standard development, which can help address the patient’s problems. In opioid patients, the nurses have a professional view of the healthcare issue, enhancing informed policy decisions.

The literature explains that Neuman’s system model concerns the whole person. According to Idowu et al. (2022), nursing is a unique profession and focuses on all aspects affecting individual responses to stress. When addressing a problem, nurses focus on the patient and all variables associated with their health. A nurse establishes a holistic assessment approach that helps address the problem using evidence-based models.

State Board Nursing Practice Standards or Organizational or Governmental Policies Could Affect the Opioid Addiction

State organizations and governmental policies are essential in issuing guidelines that ensure responsible prescription of opioids. The prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) is a governmental policy that addresses high-risk opioid-prescribing and opioid-seeking behaviors. Haffajee (2019) explained that PDMP is an essential policy in tracking the dispensation of controlled substances. However, many stakeholders have expressed concerns about the utility of PDMPs, especially their potential inadvertent consequences. The Texas board of nursing is one of the nursing standards whose guidelines affect the outcomes of patients with opioid addiction (Haffajee, 2019). The board requires all licensed nurses to prescribe controlled substances following guidelines for prescribing certain types of controlled substances.

Nurses are essential in policymaking to improve health outcomes, prevent illness, and decrease hospital readmissions. Consultation involves a critical role that enables nurses to improve health outcomes by reducing complications. Nursing consultation is essential in decision-making concerning a patient with opioid addiction due to the impact of the nurse consultant’s role on health promotion (Yousefi et al., 2019). When a patient experiences opioid addiction, nurses play a vital role in guiding them to undertake problem-solving through consultation. Nurses also ensure clear communication across a patient’s continuum of care and improve discharge processes through disease and medication education to reduce hospital readmissions. Nurses prevent illnesses by providing safe, effective nursing care that prevents common illnesses that can affect health outcomes.

Local, state and federal legislations affect nursing practice in the context of opioid addiction. States have various levers that focus on addressing opioid-related adverse events and improving access to evidence-based treatment for opioid addiction and related health problems. Medicaid involves a vital policy tool for paying for treatment and increasing access to treatment. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) coverage is a state policy tool that aims to engage and help patients recover from opioid addiction (Sandoe et al., 2018). The policy tool helps treat substance use health problems, sustain recovery, and minimize overdose. The regulations have demonstrated success in minimizing opioid use and retaining patients in treatment.

Leadership Strategies to Improve Outcomes, Patient-Centered Care, and the Patient Experience Related to the Patient with Opioid Addiction

Leadership strategies are essential in improving health outcomes and patient experiences and helping healthcare teams to offer patient-centered care. Transformational leadership involves a leadership approach that nurses need to implement reforms in healthcare to improve patient experiences and outcomes and provide patient-centered care. Transformational leadership promotes teamwork and improved patient care, which is essential in improving patient experience (Fischer, 2016). A nurse requires transformational leadership competencies to develop cultures of safety among nurses, which is essential for offering patient-centered care. Competencies for transformational leadership in healthcare involve emotional intelligence, communication, collaboration, training, and mentoring. The anticipated role of leadership in addressing opioid addiction involves improving patient outcomes through medication education. Opioid addiction is a health problem requiring individuals to undergo education on proper medication use. Care coordination is another role that leadership plays in ensuring teamwork among nurses and providing an appropriate setting for patient-centered care (Fischer, 2016).

Collaboration and communication are essential for healthcare teams when addressing opioid addiction. Interprofessional collaboration is vital when handling patients with opioid addiction; teamwork is essential for patient education and health promotion for opioid addiction. Patient engagement is another anticipant communication strategy nurses require when interacting with patients because it is essential for improving patient experiences (Yousefi et al., 2019). Engaging patients in healthcare ensures that patients get the best care and improves clinical outcomes. Change management involves an organized, planned approach with techniques that enable healthcare organizations to alter workflows impeccably. Engaging nurses at every stage is an anticipated strategy for addressing opioid addiction. Nurse engagement involves a vital change management strategy when implementing evidence-based strategies for reducing opioid misuse and overdose treatment.


Opioid addiction is one of the many current health issues, and nurses play a vital role in addressing the problem. Nursing standards and policies guide nurses to collaborate when handling opioid addiction. Nurses contribute personal views on healthcare problems which influence the formulation of healthcare policies. Nursing consultation is essential in decision-making concerning a patient with opioid addiction due to the impact of nurse communication on health promotion. Transformational leadership is a leadership approach in which nurses require fostering teamwork and improved patient care, which is essential in improving patient experience.



Brown, K. G., & Capili, B. (2020). The Pathophysiology of and Nursing Interventions for Opioid Use Disorder. The American journal of nursing120(6), 38. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000668736.80609.4e

Fischer, S. A. (2016). Transformational leadership in nursing: a concept analysis. Journal of advanced nursing72(11), 2644-2653. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13049

Haffajee, R. L. (2019). Prescription drug monitoring programs—Friend or folly in addressing the opioid-overdose crisis?. The New England journal of medicine381(8), 699. https://doi.org/10.1056%2FNEJMp1904714

Idowu, O. A., Oyekunle, A. A., Fajemilehin, B. R., & Idowu-Olutola, O. M. (2022). Applying the Betty Neuman Model to Explain the Relationship between Workload as Stressors and Shift Work Disorder among Nurses; a Conceptual Model. South Asian Res J Nurs Health Care4(3), 41-44. https://sarpublication.com/media/articles/SARJNHC_43_41-44.pdf

Mahmoud, K. F., Finnell, D. S., Sereika, S. M., Lindsay, D., Schmitt, K., Cipkala-Gaffin, J., … & Mitchell, A. M. (2021). Personal and professional attitudes associated with nurses’ motivation to work with patients with opioid use and opioid use-related problems. Substance Abuse42(4), 780-787. https://doi.org/10.1080/08897077.2020.1856287

Nibbelink, C. W., & Brewer, B. B. (2018). Decision‐making in nursing practice: An integrative literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing27(5-6), 917-928. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14151

Saini, J., Johnson, B., & Qato, D. M. (2022). Self-Reported Treatment Need and Barriers to Care for Adults With Opioid Use Disorder: The US National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2015 to 2019. American journal of public health112(2), 284-295. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2021.306577

Sandoe, E., Fry, C. E., & Frank, R. G. (2018). Policy levers that states can use to improve opioid addiction treatment and address the opioid epidemic. Health Affairs Blog. Accessed at www. healthaffairs. org/do/10.1377/hblog2018092751221. https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/forefront.20180927.51221

Yousefi, H., Ziaee, E. S., & Golshiri, P. (2019). Nurses’ consultative role to health promotion in patients with chronic diseases. Journal of Education and Health Promotion8. https://doi.org/10.4103%2Fjehp.jehp_146_19

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