organizational behavior 4

Assignment Unit 8 Leadership and Employee Morale Leadership Today is an international consulting firm based in Singapore. The company provides consulting services on integrating and maximizing the effectiveness of new computer technologies for multinational corporations. In recent years, the company has been losing market shares to competitors due to what many believe to be ineffectual leadership. Mid level managers have been heard complaining that they are not provided the freedom to make timely decisions to help their clients. Additionally, employees complain that they are never recognized for their accomplishments and that the organization never takes the time to celebrate major accomplishments. The result is low morale and decreasing market shares. Using the Kaplan Library, access the article, Leadership Truths” by James Kouzes and Barry Posner using the MasterFile Database. Then, applying the model of leadership they provide, write a 1 2 page paper offering advice to Leadership Today on how it can change its leadership practices to turn the company around. Use at least one reference from the Kaplan Library regarding leadership in your paper (using an in text citation and accompanying reference).
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