Personal Philosophy of Nursing Writing

What does the profession of nursing mean to you? How did your view of nursing affect your decision to become a nurse? What do you believe is the essence of nursing? In order to live out your philosophy as a nurse, how must you care for your patients and their families? Has your philosophy of nursing changed since you began working as a nurse? Has your view of nursing changed over the last 2-4 months since you entered the Post-licensure (RNBSN) Program through Indiana Wesleyan University? For this assignment, you will write a 3-4 page paper reviewing your thoughts about nursing. You are required to include a minimum of four references to support your thoughts with regard to the profession and practice of nursing.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Develop your thoughts with regard to your personal philosophy of nursing.


  • Textbook: Professional Nursing: Concepts and Challenges
  • File: Professional Nursing: Concepts and Challenges reference list
  • Website: Grammarly

Background Information

Consider and reflect on your role as a nurse. When you first considered nursing as a career, what aspect of nursing interested you? As a professional nurse, it is important to see the bigger picture. In our society today, there are many individuals who have no source of primary care, who need health education, who are in need of holistic care that includes spiritual and socioculturally appropriate care. What is the role of the nurse in our healthcare system today? Are you up to the challenges of professional nursing?


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. In your textbook, Professional Nursing: Concepts and Challenges, review the section on developing a personal philosophy of nursing in Chapter 8, “Conceptual and Philosophical Foundations.”
  3. Review the discussions in Workshop 1.3 and Workshop 2.2 and consider the nursing theories that were described. Which of those theories correlate with your ideas about nursing?
  4. Review articles from the internet and from OCLS including resources mentioned within this course.
  5. Write a 3-4 page paper using APA format that addresses the following areas:
    1. What does the profession of nursing mean to you?
    2. How did your view of nursing affect your decision to become a nurse?
    3. In order to live out your philosophy as a nurse, how must you care for your patients and their families?
    4. Has your philosophy of nursing changed since you began working as a nurse?
    5. How has your view of nursing changed since you entered the IWU Post-licensure (RNBSN) Program at IWU?
    6. As nurses, what is our responsibility when we come into contact with individuals who have no source of primary care, who need health education, or who are in need of holistic care that includes spiritual and socioculturally appropriate care. Personal Philosophy of Nursing Writing Assignment
    7. What is the role of the nurse in our healthcare system today? Do we have an ethical responsibility to address healthcare disparities? What ethical principles and theories support that idea?
  6. In the paper you need to clearly discuss how one or more of the nursing theories reviewed in Workshop Two is congruent with your personal philosophy of nursing and describe your thoughts about the essence of nursing
  7. A minimum of four scholarly resources to support your thoughts about the profession and the practice of nursing must be cited within your paper
  8. This paper is to be written in FIRST person.
  9. Proofread your paper for grammar, spelling, and APA errors.
  10. Review the instructions under Assignment 4.4 related to the use of Grammarly.
  11. Copy and paste the content of your paper into the Grammarly tool and review the report.
    1. You can revise and submit to Grammarly as often as you would like prior to submitting the final draft of your assignment.
    2. The Grammarly tool does not have your nursing knowledge. Some suggestions or comments may not be accurate, but it is useful as a general tool to assist with improving your writing style as needed.
  12. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Assignment submission page by the end of the workshop (TurnItIn enabled). Personal Philosophy of Nursing Writing Assignment
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