phi 208 week 1 discussion 1

This week you will have one discussion focused on the challenges of egoism and/or relativism

. In your initial post, please explain the core tenets (key ideas) of this theory. Next, present an argument in favor of Moral Relativism; lastly, present an argument against Moral Relativism.

***The term “argument” does not refer to a verbal fight or quarrel. In philosophy, the term argument stands for reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.

In this discussion activity, you are required to both defend and object against Moral Relativism. To this aim, you’ll have to offer examples and present reasons in order to persuade the reader that what you are saying is right.

Moral philosophy involves critical thinking and through this discussion activity you’ll strengthen your ability to argue for both sides of an issue.

The total combined word count for all of your posts, counted together, should be at least 600 words, not including references.

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