pinterest book activity

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the article How Can We Help Kids With Self-Regulation (Links to an external site.) (Child Mind Institute, n.d.) and access the Pinterest Book Activity Template. If you have never used Pinterest before, it is recommended that you watch the following video: How to Use Pinterest for Beginners A 2017 Tutorial (Links to an external site.) (LaLas World, 2017).

Self-regulation is the ability to manage your emotions and behavior in accordance with the demands of the situation. It includes being able to resist highly emotional reactions to upsetting stimuli, to calm yourself down when you get upset, to adjust to a change in expectations, and to handle frustration without an outburst. It is a set of skills that enables children, as they mature, to direct their own behavior towards a goal, despite the unpredictability of the world and their own feelings (Child Mind Institute, n.d., para 3).

Part 1: Create a Pinterest board titled “Children’s Books for Teaching Self-Regulation. Search Pinterest (Links to an external site.) and find 10 children’s books that could be used to teach children about self-regulation. Pin each book to your board (you can pin more if you choose). If you do not have a Pinterest account, you will need to create one for this assignment. Make sure your board is set to “Public.”

Part 2: Pinterest Book Activity Template. Open the Pinterest Book Activity Template and complete the following items:

  • Provide the link to the Pinterest board you created in Part 1.
  • List the 10 books you selected, state the author and title, and provide a two to three sentence summary that includes how the book relates to teaching self-regulation.
  • Create a developmentally appropriate, engaging lesson to teach children about self-regulation using one of the books from your Pinterest board. Fill in only the Lesson Plan Template sections in the following list::
    • Age and grade of the children you are working with
    • Length of the lesson: For example, the lesson will take 30 minutes
    • Goal (State the purpose of the lesson)
    • Objective (Identify the lesson objectives—what students will be able to know or do at the end of the lesson. The objective(s) should focus on self-regulation.)
    • Materials needed throughout the lesson
    • Lesson development (Describe the steps taken to teach the lesson. This should be detailed enough so that another teacher could use these directions to implement the lesson.)
  • Explain why your lesson and book are appropriate for teaching self-regulation; this should be at least a half-page of rationale.
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