powerpoint for 3 hospital data elements
For your final assignment, go to: https://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare/search.html?
enter any zip code. Create a PowerPoint to include:
Select 3 measures and give a detailed description of each measure
Describe your reaction to the data set
How can you see this data being used for payers?
How can you see this data being used for consumers?
How can you see this data being used for the government?
How can you see this data being used for a hospital?
Take the 3 measures you selected and create a bar graph and a pie chart comparing the 3 hospitals
Going forward, how do you see this data being used with the current emphasis being placed on quality of care and accountability.
Have the hospitals improved or gotten worse from previous years in the measures you selected
The presentation should be visually pleasing (color, fonts, graphics, etc)
Include in this presentation what other core measure data sets are required for reporting (refer to jointcommission or CMS)