ppt supervisors recommended process add new job functions

Power Point Slides with Artwork, 6 slides of content with 200 Words of Speaker Notes each page, 1 title Page, 1 Reference Page, total 8 slides. All New Content with at least 3 references.


You are getting ready to consult with an internal client on adding new job functions to part of the organization. You will be training line managers in the detailed process you will be working with them to create a process that selects, trains, and retains the best candidates.

Develop a presentation for the supervisors on your recommended process. Be sure to address the following:

  • How job tasks will be captured and turned into job descriptions
  • The recruitment campaign to find diverse candidates for positions
  • The training you will offer to line supervisors in interviewing techniques
  • Safeguards for ensuring a legally compliant and effective process
  • Who will be responsible for each step in the process (line management, you as the HR professional, or both), and be sure to be clear on why you have assigned responsibility for each step
  • How the effectiveness and efficiency of the process will be evaluated after it is complete


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