Problem 1 – Chicago White Sox

1. Here are the Chicago White Sox attendance figures for their 82 home games from 1995 through 2006.

Year                       Attendance                                                        Year                       Attendance

1995                       1,609,773                                                             2001                       1,766,172

1996                       1,676,416                                                             2002                       1,676,416

1997                       1,865,222                                                             2003                       1,939,594

1998                       1,391,146                                                             2004                       1,930,537

1999                       1,338,851                                                             2005                       2,342,834

2000                       1,947,799                                                             2006                       2,957,414

Predict the White Sox attendance for 2007. Please Show all formula use to get the attendance for 2007

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