project part 3 1

Turn in Part 3 of the project.

The third part of the project, due at the end of this unit, requires you to research third party continuous auditing software applications and analyze the functionality with respect to your organization.

  1. 1. Search the World Wide Web for three continuous auditing software applications developed by third party software companies (see list below for examples you may use).

    Continuous Auditing Software

    • ACL

    • Approva

    • CaseWare IDEA

    • MetricStream

    • Oversight Technologies

    • Trintech

  2. Extend your document from Part 2 by creating a new section at the end that briefly describes each of the three continuous auditing products and its functionality (1–2 pages).

  3. Create a table as an appendix that compares the functionality of the three products. Choose at least five functions that you can compare. Examples include: 1) Pre defined audit steps, 2) Automatic notification of violations, 3) Compatibility with ERPs, 4) Audit of business transactions, 5) Audit of user access rights, and 6) Dashboard reporting.

  4. After creating the table, add one paragraph after requirement #2 that discusses which tool is a good fit for your organization and why.

After adding the requirements from Part 3 of the project to the document submitted in Part 2, the amended document should be 10–12 double spaced pages and will be evaluated for content and professionalism. Make sure to proofread, and then proofread again. Even ask a friend or relative to read for ease of reading and proper use of grammar/spelling. Submit via course Dropbox by the final day of the unit (i.e., Tuesday midnight).


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