proposal essay mla 5 6 full pages must use sources i will provide must follow all instructio

What is a Proposal? A proposal argues for a change in response to a problem; it is forwarding looking (focuses on the future) and is aimed toward the needs of a unique audience. Your proposal should  Clearly establish that a problem exists by describing a need  Make a claim that addresses the problem/need and focused on action in the future  Show why your proposal will fix the problem/need  Demonstrate that your proposal is feasible The Parts of Your Proposal Your proposal paper will consist of two parts: 1) 1 2 page audience analysis to identify and analyze the needs and values of the audience your proposal is directed towards a) Explains who your audience is, what you want your words to do to them, and how they may react to your writing. b) Explains how you made specific choices in writing (USING SPECIFIC EXAMPLES) to illustrate how your proposal meets the needs of this audience 2) 4 5 page proposal [modeled after “A Call to Improve Campus Accessibility for the Mobility Impaired” on page 296] a) Will outline the need for your proposal. b) Will use the headings (and, if necessary, additional subheadings) as outlined in “A Call to Improve Campus Accessibility for the Mobility Impaired” [Introduction, Assessment of Current Efforts, The Benefits of Change, Counterarguments, Recommendations] c) Will draw on at least 4 CREDIBLE, CURRENT sources for support. Absolutely Non Negotiable Requirements ■ Use at least 4 CREDIBLE, CURRENT sources for support. ■ Follow all MLA paper formatting guidelines (headings, headers, spacing, titles, margins, etc.). ■ Follow all MLA guidelines for in text citation. ■ Include an MLA Works Cited page as the last page of your document (not a separate file). ■ Use the appropriate point of view for this assignment; your essay should be primarily written in the 3rd person (s/he, they) with the 1st person (I, me, we) used appropriately (to reflect personal experience. ■ Use summary/paraphrase/quotation skills to demonstrate understanding of the texts: ➢ Rely primarily on summary/paraphrase of texts. ➢ Limit use of quotations from texts by selecting only the most unique, meaningful, or important quotes from texts. ➢ Avoid long quotations of more than 4 lines of text [no block quotations]. ➢ Avoid dropped quotes by always, always, always integrating quoted material into your own words (by providing a signal phrase or blending a quote into your own sentence). ■ Avoid plagiarism (intentional or unintentional) by carefully putting ideas from your research into your own words, providing citations, and quoting carefully. ■ Meet the minimum and maximum length criteria. Though I obviously care more about quality than quantity, you will not be able to complete this assignment effectively without meeting these minimum requirements: ➢ Your introduction paragraph (print and bring to class) should be at least 6 sentences. ➢ Your first draft (submit via Blackboard) should be AT LEAST four pages [including both audience analysis and proposal]. I look at pages based on where the text you write begins (after your heading and title), so to reach four full pages, your draft needs to be at least ¼ down on the 5th page. ➢ Your final draft should be 5 6 full pages (i.e., it should end on the 6th or 7th printed page. If your paper is in excess of 6 total pages, please discuss it with me before submitting your final draft. ➢ Your works cited page should be included in both your draft and your final. This should be the last page (8th or 9th) of your document. 

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