questions 3644447 2

1 The Make a Way Foundation has run into a financial crisis. Halfway into their fiscal year, the financier has realized that the company has not put enough money aside to cover all of their costs for the children’s summer expense project.  

For this assignment you should identify possible reasons for the misallocation of funding and give suggestions on what could be done to save the Children Summer Expense Project. You must answer the following:

  • Give at least three (3) possible reasons why the funding was overlooked.
  • Suggest at least three (3) ways that the Children’s Summer Expense Project could be saved


1. How did WWI and WWII led to globalism?


2. What are your thoughts about the possibility of a NWO?


How have your views about various cultures, social values, and world developments changed after topic cultural studies.


its not a paper. just answer the questions

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