Quote on Mass Culture Essay

Write a short (5 paragraphs max.) response to the following quote:

“All mass culture under monopoly is identical, and the contours of its skeleton, the conceptual armature fabricated by monopoly, are beginning to stand out. Those in charge no longer take much trouble to conceal the structure, the power of which increases the more bluntly its existence is admitted.”

Your short essay should do the following:

Contextualize the quote – tell us where it is from, who wrote it, and what the author or authors are responding to.

Explain the quote – tell us how you understand what the quote means, and what theories are being talked about.

  1. Make some links – help us to see how the quote shows links between the different theories in the module.
  2. Who cares – tell us why this quote and the theories in the module are important to us as communication scholars and as human beings.


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