Regarding low cost and differentiation strategies, when is each strategy appropriate?


INT405 Multinational Management
Please Anwer the following questions.
(min 75 words per each question.

1. Regarding low cost and differentiation strategies, when is each strategy appropriate?
2. What are the advantages of a small business going international through incremental stages rather than as a global start-up?
3. What are some strategies for creating and sustaining a competitive advantage? Should you choose offensive or defensive strategies? What are the reasons you would choose one over the other?
4. Discuss and contrast the four IHRM orientations. Describe how each can support a multinational strategy.
5. What are some strategies small businesses should use to get connected to the international market? What are some barriers that they would need to overcome?

6. Pick a national culture with which you are familiar. For this culture, identify leadership traits and behaviors that would be detrimental to organizational effectiveness.

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