regulation implementation and supply chain management phyllis young due 8 pm eastern sunday

Visit the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Safety and Health Administration Web site ( to learn more about the federal regulations applicable to retail management.




Visit your (South Carolina) federal and state wage and hour sites to determine the regulations specific to your location and how they impact opening a business in your area.

Regulation Implementation and Supply Chain Management

Watch the “Regulation Implementation” section of the animation

and research regulations (OSHA, chemical and emissions, labor, et cetera) that apply the Country Store.

Choose at least three regulations and describe their purpose, importance, and relevancy to your business (fault lines business sports fishing)

Develop a plan for ensuring the business and employees are in compliance with regulations.

Describe 2–3 corporate policies that would apply to the company and explain why they are necessary for the business.

Watch the “Supply Chain Management” section of the animation and explain the impact the logistics for acquiring and distributing products has on the business.

Describe strategies for effectively managing the supply chain. Be sure to take current economic trends into account when choosing your strategies.


Scoring guideline

Describes the purpose, importance, and relevancy of three or more regulations in detail.

Describes the purpose, importance, and relevancy of three or more corporate policies in detail.

Develops strategies for ensuring business and employees are in compliance with regulations.

Explains the impact of supply chain logistics on business profitability

.Describes strategies for effectively managing supply chain.

Describes current economic trends that impact the supply chain.


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