review the discussion requirements 1


Review the Discussion Requirements above.


Research at least two recent articles concerning plagiarism incidents in the news. The article should be no more than two years old. Use the issue presented in the article to continue the discussion using the guidelines below.


Identify and discuss the plagiarized issue within the article, then address the following questions in your main discussion post:

  1. In what way did the plagiarized work impact others?
  2. What was the penalty?
  3. Present your own advice on how to prevent future plagiarism


Use the submission requirements above to make all postings to the discussion board.

You should make your main post submission by the Third day in the week. Initial post and subsequent responses must be supported with at least one properly cited APA source.

Discussion post should follow the APA writing styles. I highly encourage you to stay focus on the discussion topics. Responding to the main focus of the discussion is very important to the overall assignments.

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