Review the United States Department of Labor website on Whistleblower Protection.


  1. Review the United States Department of Labor website on Whistleblower Protection.
  2. Conduct a search using the Off Campus Library Service OCLS for one incident of employee whistleblowing that resulted in a successful prosecution and payment of a reward to the whistleblower.
  3. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following:
    1. Summarize and evaluate the instance of employee whistleblowing identified in the article you found (post a link to your article).
      1. Based on your evaluation, was whistleblowing the appropriate ethical action?
      2. Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
    2. React to the following statement:
      1. Crises reveal the true character of leaders and their organizations.
      2. Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
  4. Your initial post should be 400 to 500 words in length and include two scholarly sources that are properly cited according to APA guidelines. For questions on APA Style, go to OCLS APA Writing Styles Guides.
  5. Your initial post is due by the end of the fourth day of the workshop.
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