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Discuss the importance of user technology security education within organizations. What topics should be included in security education and training?

words :250 (include references and intext citations)

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raja – These days’ organizations are investing more into associate security awareness training as they started observing its need for businesses with an increase in various types of cyberattacks to steal confidential information. Though there is an availability of sophisticated software to avoid such attacks, the most effective way of avoiding these cyber attacks is by creating awareness among employees. Security awareness training teaches employees ways to protect the organization and themselves from falling prey and losing confidential information from outside attackers. There are different types of cybersecurity attacks such as phishing attacks, social engineering, malware, etc.

Below are few topics every organization should include in their employee security training

Password Management:

Employees should be trained to avoid using common phrases and weak passwords for all the systems that have confidential information. Every employee should change their passwords every month as a security practice.


This is one of the biggest threats all organizations are facing now. In these attacks, people are tricked to get confidential information. Security training will help employees in identifying emails or links from a trusted source rather than clicking any deceiving links and providing confidential information

Downloading software:

Malware software causes serious damage to the organization. There should be a restriction policy in downloading and installing software on any computer unless it is a company approved. Organizations should monitor the network traffic regularly to identify any abnormal activities.

Physical Security:

Employees should be made aware of the importance of identity cards and company devices such as laptops, phones. And they should also be trained on how to report stolen company owned electronic devices and any violations of security breaches using their identity.

bharathi- The importance of user technology security education within organizations

Cyber security has been a major topic of discussion in recent years. Many organizations across the world faced top of the line information breeches and millions of stolen credentials. Hackers are taking control of networks, bolting ceaselessly documents and requesting sizable payoffs to return information to the legitimate proprietor. From phishing attacks to ransomware and advanced persistent threats attacks what not is occurring in the data security. They may even cause loss of CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability), loss of private data to business rivals, physical harm to resources, hardship of open trust and association picture bringing about business misfortune.

The greatest danger and vulnerabilities generally happens from inside the organization because of absence of adequate information about vulnerabilities and dangers. The expansion in Internet clients and informal organizations, absence of adequate information about the Internet and individuals from interpersonal organizations face the difficulties. Though there are plenty of measures taken to control the information breech or cyber security attacks, a lot number of anti-virus software and many more available in these days, the most basic thing that every organization needs is security awareness training. Technology alone cannot solve a problem that is controlled by individuals. Hence a Security Education, Training and Awareness (SETA) program is very much essential for an Organization regardless of business size. The organization’s information security program depends upon a knowledgeable workforce. A Security Education, Training and Awareness (SETA) program can be defined as an instructive program that is intended to decrease the quantity of security ruptures that happen through an absence of employee security awareness. One of the main goals of this program is to spread awareness about how to tackle the possible cyber security attacks by applying information security practices so that business functions are not affected due to unplanned disasters.

Topics to be included in security education and training.

1. Email Security: Email is the major source that attackers use in order to target an organization. Employees training should include topics such as email spoofing, the difference between the CC and BCC email fields and promote the use of encrypted email.

2. Web Security: Cybercrime has become an epidemic on the web today. The preparation of the employees in refreshing with the most recent cyber-attacks, and the significance of staying up with the latest.

3. Data Protection: Employees ought to be taught about information insurance enactment, industry consistence commitments, by and by recognizable data, secure data destruction, data classification and breach notification procedures.

4. Environmental Security: Environmental security concerns the frameworks and controls that we use to limit access to sensitive information or resources. Environmental security controls incorporate CCTV cameras, ID cards and access control systems.

5. Security awareness training is basic to forestalling physical security attacks, for example, tailgating and shoulder surfing. Educating employees about best security practices such as workstation locking, visitor policies and the importance of a clear desk.

6. Educating employees about their responsibility in safeguarding the company’s confidential information.

7. Every company should develop policies for disposal of electronic documents and paper documents. Training and updating the employees about such policies is very much essential

14 hours ago

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