sirexcellence 10123949 2

Once you have read and have a good understanding of the three articles,you will summarize the important information in the preselected studies that you have chosen in order to guide your analysis later in the assessment. This will include how the research was designed, as well as the results and conclusions that were reached. This should be in a narrative format that flows smoothly from one topic to another. Be sure that your submission addresses the following critical elements.


Describe the research design of each of the preselected studies that you have chosen

in relation to specific methodology.

Describe the research design of each of the preselected studies that you have chosen in relation to hypothesis.

Describe the research design of each of the preselected studies that you have chosen in relation to variables and details.

Describe the research design of each of the preselected studies that you have chosen in relation selection of participants.

Describe the results of each of the studies that you chose.

Describe how the results of the studies support or do not support the research hypothesis.

Describe the conclusions that the authors in each of the chosen studies reached based on their results.


Attached are the three studies



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