sociological theory

There are several theories that explain why juveniles become delinquent. Some of the sociological theories include anomie, social disorganization, drift theory, and differential association theory. Locate a sociological theory (it does not have to be one of the theories listed previously), and explain that theory with its relation to juvenile delinquency. Please note that sociological theories relate to society and external influences over a juvenile, not psychological influences (which relate to internalization within a person) or biological influences (which concern physical problems).

You are a sociologist, and you are noticing that the juveniles in your area are starting to cause legal problems and are beginning to overload the juvenile court system.


  • Once you decide on the theory, describe how it relates to juveniles by explaining what the theory believes causes the juvenile problems.
  • Explain what you could do in your position to aid in alleviating these problems.


  1. Pick 1 of the 3 criminology theories that could be used in juvenile delinquency.
    • Rational choice theory
    • Biosocial theory
    • Cognitive theory of desistance
  2. Explain why you chose this theory for the cause of juvenile delinquency? Which of the theories do you feel produces minimal or nothing to any explanation on the causes of juvenile delinquency?
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